
National Anti-Bullying Award Recipient

Exemplary School Safety Program Award
Exemplary School Safety Initiative Award



Mary Kay Hoal Honored for Commitment to

21st Century Digital Safety, Responsibility and Awareness

National Institute for Responsible Online and Cell-Phone Communication (IROC2) inducts Mary Kay Hoal into its Hall of Heroes as it honors her with their prestigious 2.1C Award of Excellence for being a leader in proactive digital safety, responsibility and awareness.



(Napa, CA) – Mary Kay Hoal was honored on Sunday, November 14, 2010 at the "I Rock the Napa Valley Concert Fundraiser" in Napa, California with the “2.1C Award of Excellence” by the Institute for Responsible Online and Cell-Phone Communication (IROC2). IROC2, an organization on a mission to construct a global digital community free of negative and sometimes irreversible consequences resulting from poor digital judgment, was prompted to recognize Mary Kay for her relentless efforts to empower parents and youth through YourSphere, YourSphere Blog, speaking events, media appearances, and more! 


If you follow Mary Kay's work through her blog, you will find that she is not just another safety "expert" reporting bad news and statistics, rather, she offers information and solutions for her readers to help them stay ahead of the curve as it relates to digital abuse.  Further, she is holding media companies accountable by asking the probing and vital questions that must be asked to ensure that corporations understand there are digital citizens aware of some of the misleading information being presented to the masses.


When asked about the award, IROC2's Executive Director Richard Guerry stated, "We at the Institute for Responsible Online and Cell-Phone Communication commend Mary Kay for her continuous and selfless efforts to raise awareness in the global village about the importance of digital safety, responsibility and awareness, and we fully support her efforts to help inform the public about the rapidly evolving digital world, and the potential pitfalls of abusive behavior."



IROC2 Executive Director, Richard Guerry applauding the efforts of Mary Kay Hoal

as she accepted the 2.1C Award of Excellence.



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